Writing Creation services

Here you can find the information on Writing creation services for Honeycomb and their collaborative associates in the form of Guest Writers. Click on arrows on bars to expand and collapse information. If you are a first time commissioner, please read the TOS. Thank you.

Primary Writer: Honeycomb + Areas of Interest

I like to write documents pertaining to world building & development, detailed biography & profile text for fictional characters, and some essays related to STEM, LGBTQ+ topics, or simple opinion pieces. If you would like me to write you something either fictional or non fictional, please keep in mind that I will charge per page or by the word depending on the complexity of your request. 


Project-Zero aka "Red" + Areas of Interest

Project Zero can help you with primarily fiction based writing, be it science fantasy, science fiction, horror, romance, or some sort of wild combination of everything mentioned thus so far! 

Sink City Syncopation + Areas of Interest (TBA)

More information will be available soon, but expect this area to be poetry and other short form prose.