
Expand menus to view base prices for all work, and use the image carousels to browse multiple pieces in the same category.


Sketches and quick work can be anything that takes under 10 cumulative hours to complete, and can be composed quickly to increase turnaround time. Specify in advance if you wish for digitial or traditional medium.

Projected quote per character:

Headshots & Busts: $30-$50

Waists: $60-$80

Chibi: $25-$35

Fullbody: $150

Headshot + Busts

Torso & Waist shots:

Chibi Shots

Fullbody Shots


Inks and linework can be more refined than a sketch, or they can be anything that heavily utilizes black and white space to curate an illustrative composition of a scene.

Projected quote per character:

Headshots & Busts: $50-$90

Waists: $60-$100

Chibi: $30-$60

Fullbody: $120-$200

Headshot + Bust

Waist up and Torso

Chibi and Cartoon imagery



A full color painting offers a full composition, is not based on a character count and can be divided into several groups that will affect pricing:

Miniature scale: $30-60

Small scale: $60-$150

Medium scale: $150-$500

Large scale: $800-$1000+

Complexity of requests will raise your final quoted price. Complexity can included: Multiple details, props such as weapons and items, complicated clothing & armor, and how detailed the background is for a natural landscape or urban environment. Payment plans are available for more expensive pieces and negotiable with payment distribution

Miniature scale: Less than 6"x6"

Small scale: Less than 10"x10"

Medium Scale: Paintings  9"x12" and similar.

Large scale: Includes dimensions of 16"x16", 16"x20, 18"x24", and 22"x30".

Anything Larger than the specified physical dimensions will be from watercolor paper cuts by the yard (3 feet/0.9144 meters) and will require you to partially pay for extra materials in the final cost. Currently, I cannot address anything larger than 5'x6'.


Watercolor Reference Sheets: 9"x12" to a maximum of 22"x30"

Digital Reference Sheets: Due to the physical sizing constraints being lesser, larger options can be chosen for digital reference resolution but be advised that if you intend to have this work printed out, you still need to be mindful of what size you need for your character.